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Enjoy! :D

Selasa, 20 November 2012


i got an assignments to write something and type it in the computer. a little bit weird. but here, i write about "Environment that been left". i change many words, 'cause i know it's wrong. my teacher told me to write a poem too, and write summary of a novel. gyah, this is it.
     In this last 10 years, teenagers being an “I-Don’t-Care” pupil. Especially about environment. When there is trashes on the street, they just pass it. They’re careless about environment now. Not even careless, they do littering on the street.     First example. Teenagers that hanging out with their friends, then they do bring useless things, they won’t keep it until they find a garbage can and just litter on the street. Then, when they pass trashes, they don’t even care. They only care about themselves, and say “I’m don’t keep any trash” or “it wasn’t my trash”. It’s totally wrong. They should have initiative to take it. Especially the non-organic or dry trashes that can be taken.     Second example. Sometimes not only passing the trashes on the street, but they do littering on the street. Not only do it alone, but they do it together. Sometimes they just follow their friend to trash on the street. Even though there are garbage can near them. Sometimes they don’t littering on the street, even worse, they trash in the sewerage without think the consequence. When many trashes obstruct the sewerage and the rain came, that place will be flooded, and bring many losses.     Third example. Teenagers, think they’re free and won’t been ordered. Especially in small case. They won’t been ordered to take trash and litter it. Even though there is a sign “Put your trash in the , trash bin” they won’t obey. Few of teenagers, especially girls, won’t make their hand dirty. Then they never want to take it or touch it.     So, we should throw garbage in the right place. Don’t need to afraid you will be left by your friends. We do care about environment. It’s not only for us, but for others too. Avoid loss and disease. Make a beautiful world without trashes. Keep it beautiful.

yea you can read it. hopefully you can understand what i mean. actually i won't do it. but this is an assignment. uh?
i wont show you my poem. weird.
i write about cute chubby baby. actually i hate babies .__.

well, this is it. my homeworks. hehe

Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012

something new

I' m gonna start something new. I'm not gonna post something weird. I think i will post good things, or post picture. Hey, i love to draw myself. Wanna show yours? You can post it at my facebook or mention me at twitter ;) have a nice day, Jesus bless you :)

Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

Ooku Hallway 1's gate is opened in many times! :OO

share (picoholic back)

well -_- i got a whisp here. from my friend, tell me about hacker's online and i should close my room. :/ a little bit confusing. but i should share it, she said. share it to my buddies. okay. well. there's 9 buddies online now. my friend from indonesia tell me in bahasa, and al of my buddies that online now.. not from indonesia. okay. fine. i translate it, and send it to them.
like this
bythewaaay, the name is ★LSC★Naruto★

beware ._.

Kamis, 19 Januari 2012


please dong, it's killing me in this whole days. ada yang mirip banget ama diaa >.<<
trus kalo emang kaga bisa ditahan, malah gue, gue gue gue, bisa suka ama dia, omgomgomgomg

Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

ameba pico bug-ing

everyone in pico that bug c$ gumm and token not realize that they're in danger when they're show they're c$card. like this
lol. that pict show to admin that you're cheater dude!

this is the real casino player and buy escargot *but if she was a bug-er idk :P*

just for your info ;)

Senin, 02 Januari 2012

my picos :D

yaa, i think if i make all my e-mail to be pico, all of them, i can hav 7 account pico. then i thought it was so sucking things that i do to play pico. i realize that 1 pico is enough. these is my picos :D